Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I have grown up amongst cookery books and the aroma of delicious heart warming food. My oldest memories are of a table full of children at our birthday parties enjoying the splendid treats my mum would whip up. Never would any of the snacks or cakes be bought or 'catered for'. No wonder we would come back from other birthday parties asking our mom for something to eat - leaving her quite aghast. Never would we have potatoe chips or maggi in our lunch boxes. It was always something made at home....and we were spoilt for variety. Infact i remember the first pack of maggi at home only when i was in my teens.

As i grew up i had one dream - to become a chef. As the years progressed this dream slowly faded....but the passion for good food did not fade. It grew stronger and deeper with time...Married to another foodie we now live on a steady diet of food shows (courtest TLC) and tend to dream of food based holidays......

A very simple dish triggered the thought of this food blog. Not much of a writer i tend to turn to either my mum or the internet for recipies. I enjoy reading food blogs and the several memories associated with them. It makes me smile and relive my childhood.....coming back to the simple yet comforting dish that inspired this blog....'vangi bath'....a simple tangy brinjal based rice. I was first introduced to this dish by my soul sisters mum....and i would pester kitta mashi to make this for me....and have never eaten a better vangi bath anywhere. It has simple wholesome flavours...spicy, tangy, tempered with mustard seeds and the quintessential curry leaf.....a rainy afternoon...some sandigai...a plate full of warm vangi bath and your day is made......

The dish is being cooked now...more on how it came out later...fingers crossed!